Graduate Degrees

Graduate Certificate

African Studies

Learn how social, economic and political issues shape the lives of people of African descent, and apply this specialized understanding in your choice of life paths.

Graduate Certificate

American Studies

If you are interested in the different experiences that make up the United States, exploring the global impact of the U.S., and how diverse communities work together to achieve social change, this program is for you.


American Studies, MA

What is America? What is the American experience? How do the answers to these questions vary depending on who is asked? Learn to think deeply and critically about these questions and about the role of the U.S. in matters near and far.

Graduate Certificate

Disability Studies

You can become a knowledgeable, flexible professional, change agent, researcher, educator and advocate by critically addressing diverse intersectional experiences, quality of life and justice issues, field-based applications, and research for ongoing learning and writing.

Graduate Certificate

Gender Studies

Are you a graduate student who intends to pursue a career related to gender studies, with plans to teach or perform research? Through the interdisciplinary training of this program, you'll become better equipped to tackle important contemporary issues with extensive knowledge about gender research, gender theory and the ways that gender is structured into our society and culture.

Receive transdisciplinary training in feminist theories and methodologies, and learn to conduct original, cutting-edge research while you contribute to the field of women, gender and sexuality studies.

Gain a deeper understanding of gender issues and receive advanced training in gender-related research. This program offers you an intersectional, transdisciplinary approach to finding practical solutions for real problems and teaches skills that you can apply in a wide range of nonacademic careers.

Create community-centered, strength-based approaches for Indigenous students and communities. Learn about education policies and practices, Indigenous-serving programs and initiatives, and advancing community-centered goals through a culturally relevant curriculum.


Justice Studies, MS

Are you a future scholar or change agent who wants to conduct research and evaluate policies that promote social change? This program is composed of scholars dedicated to creating and implementing innovations to change the world.

Take a unique approach to the study of justice, knowing that no single solution works for everyone. Examine the intersecting forms of injustice, engage multiple visions of justice, and get ready to transform communities by empowering those silenced by inequality.

Graduate Certificate

Sexuality Studies

Examine transdisciplinary perspectives on how social understandings of sexualities and genders have informed cultural practices, social relations, the body and health, family life, law and policy, and other institutions of the state.

Do you have a passion for improving society through education? This preeminent program of social pedagogy in North America helps you develop an interdisciplinary approach to socio-educational interventions. By merging formal, nonformal and informal education, learning types and public pedagogies, you can make an impact across a variety of social and educational contexts.

Graduate Certificate

Social Transformation Certificate

Learn to think critically about social, cultural and political dimensions of social transformation. Explore historical and current dynamics from diverse theories, conduct interdisciplinary research and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills necessary to become an effective contributor toward social change.

Graduate Certificate

Socio-Economic Justice

What justice-related problems are associated with economic inequalities? Is justice possible, given wealth gaps and structural abandonment? What of racial capitalism, gendered dynamics of poverty and possible paths to material well-being? Explore such issues in depth, imagine and develop just praxes, and learn to enable action toward a just, transformative future.