Undergraduate Degrees

Explore important issues facing African-descended peoples from different historical, cultural, sociological, political and psychological perspectives, and allow passion and knowledge to shape how you benefit others in a variety of areas.

What is America? What is the American experience? How do the answers to these questions vary depending on who is being asked? Learn to think deeply and critically about these questions and about the role of the U.S. in matters near and far.

Engage in the histories and experiences of one of the fastest growing ethnic communities in the U.S., and examine how those experiences reflect local and global processes affecting our society and communities. Develop valuable analytical and applied skills via community-focused research and engagement.

Discover a deeper understanding of gender issues through exceptional interdisciplinary training necessary to apply a gender lens to your career. Through integrating critical thinking, problem-solving and research skills, you'll be equipped to face today's challenges.


Justice Studies, BA

Do you want to create meaningful change in the world? Justice studies offers you a broad education in justice, complemented by a solid foundation of liberal arts and social sciences courses that prepare you to promote social, economic and political justice wherever you are.


Justice Studies, BS

Do you believe in promoting social, economic and political justice? Are you looking for the tools to create meaningful change in the world? In this program, you'll have the opportunity to conduct quantitative and analytical research that will lead to better understanding of the complexities of social justice.