Undergraduate Minors and Certificates

Explore the culture and history of African-descended peoples with a dynamic group of faculty from a wide variety of backgrounds. Students with this minor frequently go into areas such as law, business and medicine.

Do you want to advocate for social justice? Gain a deeper understanding of African and African American peoples' culture and history and an in-depth knowledge of prominent issues in their communities to help you excel in fields such as law, business and medicine.

Explore the fundamental contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to U.S. society through historical, cultural and political lenses, with a focus on how events have impacted their individual and community experiences.

Learn about the contributions and experiences of Asian Pacific Americans and Pacific Islanders and how those experiences have shaped societies and cultures in the U.S. You'll have the opportunity to explore these issues through a variety of historical, cultural and political lenses.


Disability Studies

Challenge your views of disability through the voices of diverse, disabled cultures. Study social constructions of disability through ableist media portrayals, stereotypes, institutional abuses and exclusionary school policies by examining the lived experiences and perspectives of people with disabilities, their families and communities.


Economic Justice

Do you want to promote the growth of sustainable communities? Are you interested in creating new approaches to economic justice? You can gain the skills necessary to design, manage and evaluate initiatives that can revitalize communities.

Explore the social and cultural constructs of gender in this certificate program.

Gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a feminist, and explore new ways of viewing the world.


Human Rights

Human rights are an integral part of a just society. As a student with a certificate in human rights, you will develop the skills to identify human rights violations, analyze their causes and consequences, and formulate approaches for redressing the harms they perpetuate.

Learn how to create meaningful change by becoming an advocate for social, economic and political justice on a global level. A justice studies minor gives you a broad understanding of the world's justice systems, which can complement and empower a variety of majors.

If you're passionate about making the future brighter in the LGBTQ+ community, you'll want to begin by relating to the personal experiences of those around you. In this program, you'll broaden your connections and develop your skills as an activist to better engage in participatory democracy and effect change in our ever-shifting society.

Do you have a passion for creating social change? Learn how social movements have shaped society, how diverse communities near and far have sought social change, and how you can develop new methods to solve social problems.


Socio-Legal Studies

Put your understanding of the legal system into action once you understand the impacts the system has on society and how people experience law in their everyday lives.