APACE Academy

APACE Academy

Engage in activities for professional development, gain cultural knowledge, and find your voice!

APACE (Asian Pacific Advocacy, Culture and Education) Academy is a 5-day summer program at ASU with a focus on Asian Pacific American history, culture, contemporary topics, cultural competency, public-speaking, and civic engagement.

APACE Academy students engage in activities which help them find connections between their cultural identity, history, and their own professional development. APACE is a space for high school students to make new connections with similarly aged peers, professionals, ASU faculty and students, and community organizations and mentors.

The program is open to 30 students from AAPI communities entering grades 9-12 in fall 2025. 

The program will be held on ASU’s Tempe campus from Monday through Friday, June 2 – June 6, 2025.

Daily activities begin at 8:30 am and end at 4:00 pm. The schedule includes:

  • Team-building activities
  • Culture Show and Tell
  • Classes on history, culture, and contemporary issues
  • Storytelling workshop
  • Mock Trial
  • Career exploration
  • Closing Celebration for students and families
  • and more!

Note: A lunch hour is scheduled each day. Students will either bring their own lunch or meals will be provided on site-- meal plans shared upon registration.

Registration: We offer our program each summer with no cost to our students and their family. This is possible thanks to donations made by our community organizations and corporate sponsors. If interested in financially contributing to the ongoing success of our academy, please see below for details.

Registration application: To receive more information about APACE Academy and applications, complete the student interest form:

APACE Student Interest Form

Application Due Date: May 2, 2025

Questions? Contact Dr. Brandon Yoo at yoo@asu.edu

The APACE Academy is an ASU program coordinated by Asian Pacific American Studies, in collaboration with a number of partner organizations in the community.

Donate to APACE

Your generosity helps Arizona Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander high school students participate in one of few programs in the state that focuses on the culture, history, and empowerment of AANHPI youth and families. If interested in donating to or sponsoring our academy, please click here or contact Dr. Brandon Yoo at yoo@asu.edu.