John P. Frank Memorial Lecture

John P. Frank Memorial Lecture

26th Annual John P. Frank Memorial Lecture with Dahlia Lithwick

What: "Between Law and Justice: The John Roberts Court in the Trump Era(s)."

When: Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

Where: The Westin Tempe and ASU Live (Lecture recording available for internal educational use only)

Dahlia Lithwick is an MSNBC analyst and senior legal correspondent at Slate. She is one of the nation’s foremost legal commentators, the host of Amicus, Slate’s award-winning biweekly podcast about the law and the Supreme Court, and author of the instant New York Times bestseller "Lady Justice", which recounts the gripping and heroic story of the women attorneys who fought the racism, sexism and xenophobia of Donald Trump’s presidency—and won. 

In 2018, Lithwick received the American Constitution Society’s Progressive Champion Award, and the Hillman Prize for Opinion and Analysis and was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Harper’s, The New Yorker, The Washington Post, The New Republic, and Commentary. Lithwick has held visiting faculty positions at the University of Georgia Law School, the University of Virginia School of Law and the Hebrew University Law School in Jerusalem. She has appeared on CNN, ABC, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show and, frequently, on The Rachel Maddow Show. Lithwick earned her BA in English from Yale University and her JD from Stanford University. 

 Listen to her conversation with KJZZ here

This year's event was held in partnership with The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of English, Jewish Studies, The Justice Futures Project and Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics.

The John P Frank Lecture is the School of Social Transformation's signature annual event. The endowed lecture series honors the memory of attorney John P. Frank (1917-­2002), a leader in the Arizona legal community and one of our nation's great legal minds.

The series, which focuses on pressing justice issues of our time, honors Frank's life-long commitments to justice, scholarship and law. Justice Studies is proud to host the John P. Frank Lecture, which has been made possible through the generosity of Womble Bond Dickinson (formerly Lewis and Roca)”, which Frank joined in 1954, and Frank's many friends and admirers.

Read the edited collection of the first 12 lectures in Law and the Quest for Justice.

Donate to the John P. Frank Memorial Lecture

About John P. Frank

John P. Frank is recognized as part of the team that represented Ernesto Miranda before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1966 – the case in which the High Court ruled that suspects must be advised of their right to legal counsel. Frank wrote or delivered arguments for numerous First Amendment and desegregation cases and made important contributions to the historical brief for Brown v. Board of Education. He is remembered as well for his expertise in civil procedure and standards for judicial disqualification. A lawyer, constitutional scholar, historian, author and mentor, his opinion was sought by presidents and Supreme Court justices and he was influential in shaping public policy in Arizona and the nation.

Lifetime Donors

Womble Bond Dickinson (formerly Lewis and Roca)

Dr. Mary Margaret Fonow and Ms. Corinne Dillon

Mr. Jerome Hirsch

Whiteman Foundation / Jack Whiteman

Mr. Jose A. Cardenas

Mr. Joseph E. and Mrs. Sarah McGarry

Hon. Patricia K. Norris and Dr. Geoffrey W. Gates

Mr. James P. and Mrs. Judith Walsh

Hon. Dawn M. Bergin 

Ms. Uta Behrens

Coppersmith Brockelman PLC

Mr. John P. and Mrs. Lorraine W. Frank

The Family of John P. Frank

Ms. Susan M. Freeman

Mr. Richard and Mrs. Susan Goldsmith

Mr. Marty and Mrs. Kathy Harper

Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust

Dr. Marjorie S. Zatz

Hon. Charles G. Case, II & Ms. Pamela J. Culwell

Ms. Amy Gittler & Mr. Michael Sillyman

Mr. Andrew S. Gordon

Hon. Janet Napolitano

Mrs. Karen C. & Mr. Steve Owens

Mr. Randall & Ms. Gina Papetti

Dr. Doris Marie Provine & Mr. J. Michael Shelton

Hon. Mary M. Schroeder & Prof. Milton R. Schroeder